Although you are not allowed to gamble in the air, your visit to Las Vegas doesn’t have to end when you’re arriving at the airport for your flight home. Cirrus Aviation can have any of their Las Vegas charter flights catered by your favorite restaurant, so you can enjoy Las Vegas a little bit longer.
Las Vegas is a Food Mecca
Las Vegas has been known for being a food mecca. The food scene has as much of a draw on visitors as the gaming and entertainment scenes. From world-renown chefs to local joints, Las Vegas has excellent food around every corner.
If you’ve been to Las Vegas before, you probably have a favorite food or restaurant. No matter what establishment has you raving, Cirrus Aviation can ensure you are able to enjoy your favorite taste of Vegas while on your way in or heading back home. Whether you’re itching to try Gordon Ramsay’s cooking, didn’t get a chance to dine at Giada De Laurentiis’ new place on the Strip or have a hankering for a special pizza place, Cirrus Aviation can arrange to have a meal catered onboard your charter flight. As a Las Vegas based company, they have connections with many of the most popular restaurants across the city.
What’s Cooked in Vegas Can Leave Vegas
We have all heard the slogan, “What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas,” but this doesn’t have to apply to your favorite food. What’s cooked in Las Vegas can be enjoyed on your flight. Start, or end your trip to the world famous metropolis on a high note by asking Cirrus Aviation about having your flight catered by your favorite restaurant.
Contact Cirrus Aviation today at (702)-472-9714 to book your flight.